From Pipes to Faucets: Understanding Your Home’s Plumbing











Major Topics of this Article Include

  • Common Plumbing Problems and Water Damage

  • DIY or Call a Plumber

Understanding Your Home’s Plumbing

A Beginner’s Guide

Every time you take a shower, flush the toilet, or wash your dishes, you’re relying on your home’s plumbing system. But what exactly is going on behind the scenes? At Metrix Restoration, we believe in empowering homeowners with knowledge. Here’s a beginner’s guide to understanding your home’s plumbing.

Water Supply System

The water supply system brings fresh water into your home. It includes the water supply line that connects your home to the city’s water main, as well as the pipes that distribute water to your faucets, showerheads, and appliances.

  • Understanding your home’s water supply system helps you identify issues like low water pressure or discoloration, and lets you know when to call a professional.

Drainage System

The drainage system, also known as the DWV (drain-waste-vent) system, removes wastewater and sewage from your home. It includes drainpipes, traps, and vents.

  • A well-maintained drainage system prevents unpleasant odors and harmful gases from entering your home, and it keeps your home’s water flowing smoothly.

Plumbing Fixtures

Plumbing fixtures include faucets, showers, toilets, sinks, and appliances like your dishwasher and washing machine. These fixtures provide access to your home’s water supply and connect to the drainage system.

  • Regularly inspecting and maintaining your fixtures can prevent leaks and water damage, saving you money on repairs and replacements.

Water Heater

Your water heater warms up water for your showers, sinks, dishwasher, and washing machine. It includes a tank for storing water, a heating element, and pipes for distributing hot water.

  • Maintaining your water heater helps ensure you always have hot water when you need it. It can also help extend the lifespan of the appliance and reduce energy costs.

Shutoff Valves

Shutoff valves allow you to turn off the water supply to certain areas of your home, or to the entire home. They’re crucial in emergency situations, like a burst pipe or a major leak.

  • Knowing the location of your home’s shutoff valves can help prevent extensive water damage in case of a plumbing emergency.

Your Home’s Plumbing, Simplified

Having a basic understanding of your home’s plumbing can help you maintain your systems and identify problems early. However, when it comes to repairs and maintenance, it’s best to leave it to the professionals.

At Metrix Restoration, we’re here to help with all your plumbing needs, from routine maintenance to emergency repairs. Contact us today for professional, reliable plumbing services.

Plumbing and Renovations

The Crucial Role of Your Plumber

Are you dreaming of a new kitchen or bathroom? While you might be focused on picking out the perfect tiles or appliances, there’s another crucial aspect to consider: your plumbing. At Metrix Restoration, we’re here to explain why a professional plumber should be an integral part of your renovation process.

Ensuring Proper Plumbing Design

During a renovation, it’s essential to consider how changes to the layout may impact your plumbing. Without proper planning, you could end up with impractical placements or costly rework.

  • A professional plumber can work with you and your contractor to ensure that the new design accommodates all plumbing fixtures effectively and efficiently.

Installing New Fixtures

Whether it’s a fancy rain shower head, a double sink, or a high-tech refrigerator, installing new fixtures can be complex and time-consuming.

  • Your plumber has the skills and experience to install new fixtures correctly, ensuring they function as expected and meet all relevant safety and building codes.

Updating Old Plumbing

Old, outdated plumbing can cause problems like leaks or low water pressure. If ignored, these issues could ruin your newly renovated space.

  • A renovation is the perfect time to upgrade old pipes and fixtures. Your plumber can assess your current system and recommend improvements to ensure reliability and efficiency.

Ensuring Proper Ventilation

A poorly ventilated bathroom can lead to problems like mold and mildew. Meanwhile, a kitchen without adequate ventilation can trap heat and cooking odors.

  • Plumbers aren’t just about pipes and faucets. They can also help design and install proper ventilation in your kitchen or bathroom, ensuring a healthy and comfortable space.

Obtaining Necessary Permits

Depending on your location and the scope of your renovation, you might need permits before you can start work. Navigating this process can be confusing and time-consuming.

  • A knowledgeable plumber can guide you through the process of obtaining the necessary plumbing permits, ensuring that your project meets all local codes and regulations.

Don’t Renovate Without a Plumber!

While you might be eager to start picking out paint colors and fixtures, remember to consult with a professional plumber early in the process. Their expertise is vital in ensuring a successful, hassle-free renovation.

At Metrix Restoration, we’re ready to assist with all your plumbing needs, whether you’re updating your kitchen, remodeling your bathroom, or undertaking a whole-house renovation. Contact us today to see how we can help make your dream space a reality.

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How to Choose the Right Plumber











Major Topics of this Article Include

  • How to choose a plumber

  • Cost of plumbing

The Perfect Match: How to Choose the Right Plumber

Key Factors to Consider

Choosing the right plumber is crucial to ensuring the longevity of your home’s plumbing systems. However, with so many options out there, making the right choice can feel overwhelming. That’s where Metrix Restoration comes in! Let us guide you through the key factors you should consider when choosing a plumber.

Licensing and Insurance

Ensure the plumber you choose is licensed and insured. This ensures they’ve met specific standards and that they’re covered in case something goes wrong.

  • At Metrix Restoration, not only are we fully licensed and insured, but we also make our documentation readily available to give you peace of mind.

Experience and Expertise

The more experience a plumber has, the better equipped they’ll be to handle unexpected challenges. It’s also essential that they have expertise in the specific services you need.

  • With years of experience and expertise in a wide range of plumbing services, Metrix Restoration is prepared to handle any plumbing issue you might encounter.

Transparent Pricing

Choose a plumber who is upfront about their pricing. They should provide a detailed quote before work begins, so there are no surprises later.

  • At Metrix Restoration, we believe in transparency. We provide detailed, written quotes before any work begins, ensuring you understand exactly what you’re paying for.

Customer Reviews and References

Look at customer reviews and ask for references. This gives you insight into the plumber’s work quality and customer service.

  • We’re proud of the strong relationships we’ve built with our customers. We invite you to check out our stellar customer reviews and are happy to provide references upon request.

Availability for Emergencies

Plumbing emergencies don’t always happen during business hours. Choose a plumber who offers emergency services when you need them.

  • We understand that emergencies can happen at any time, which is why we offer 24/7 emergency services to address any urgent plumbing needs.

Choose Metrix Over The Matter

Choosing the right plumber doesn’t have to be difficult. By considering factors like licensing, experience, pricing, customer reviews, and availability, you can find a plumber who will meet your needs and exceed your expectations.

At Metrix Restoration, we strive to meet all these criteria and more. Contact us today to see how we can serve your plumbing needs. We’re here to help, whenever you need us.

True Value of Plumbing

Pay Now or Pay Later

The Real Cost of Ignoring Plumbing Problems

It’s easy to ignore a small plumbing problem, like a leaky faucet or a slow drain. But did you know that neglecting these issues could end up costing you a lot more in the long run? At Metrix Restoration, we’re here to help you understand the true cost of ignoring plumbing problems.

Water Damage and Repair Costs

Even a small leak can cause significant water damage over time. This can lead to costly repairs to your floors, walls, ceilings, and even the foundation of your home.

  • By addressing plumbing issues as soon as they arise, you can prevent this damage and save money on costly repairs. Our team at Metrix Restoration can identify and fix leaks promptly, protecting your home from water damage.

Increased Water Bills

A dripping faucet or a running toilet can waste hundreds of gallons of water a month. This not only harms the environment but also increases your water bill.

  • Regular plumbing maintenance can identify these issues and fix them promptly, helping to keep your water bill under control.

Health Risks from Mold and Mildew

Persistent moisture from a leak can lead to the growth of mold and mildew. This not only damages your property but can also lead to serious health issues.

  • By addressing plumbing problems early, we can prevent conditions that promote mold growth, helping to protect your health and your home.

Lower Home Value

Unresolved plumbing issues can lower the value of your home. Potential buyers may be deterred by the potential cost of fixing these problems.

  • Regular maintenance and prompt repairs keep your home’s plumbing in top shape, preserving (or even increasing) your home’s value.

The Value of Prompt Plumbing Repairs

Ignoring a plumbing problem might seem like a way to save money in the short term. However, the long-term costs of water damage, health risks, and lower home value are much higher. That’s why it’s crucial to address these issues as soon as they arise.

At Metrix Restoration, we’re here to help you protect your home and save money in the long run. If you notice any plumbing issues in your home, don’t wait—contact us today. We’re committed to providing prompt, effective solutions for all your plumbing needs.

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Know the Signs: When to Hire a Plumber for a Leak Search

Know the Signs: When to Hire a Plumber for a Leak Search











Major Topics of this Article Include

  • When to hire a plumber for a leak search

  • What to expect from a leak detection service

  • Plumbing leakings and water damage insurance

What are the Warning Signs of a Leak?

Having a leak in your home can sometimes be a game of hide-and-seek. The leaks can hide, and it’s up to you to seek out the signs. Let’s shine a light on some warning signs that might tell you it’s time to hire a plumber for a leak search.

Unexpected Increase in Your Water Bill

If your water bill suddenly shoots up without a clear reason, it could be because of a hidden leak in your home.

Musty Smells or Mold

Leaks can cause damp areas that are perfect for mold growth. If you start noticing a musty smell or visible mold, it might be time to call a plumber.

Unusual Sounds of Running Water

If you hear the sound of running water when everything is turned off, this could signal a leak.

 Damp Spots or Water Stains

These can appear on your floors, walls, or ceilings and often indicate a leak.


The Leak Search: What Does it Involve?

How Does a Plumber Search for a Leak?

Once you’ve seen the signs and decided to hire a plumber, what’s next? Let’s uncover the process a professional plumber follows to find those pesky leaks.

 Step 1: Visual Inspection

 A plumber will first inspect your home for visible signs of a leak.

 Step 2: Leak Detection Tools

 The plumber will then use advanced tools like video cameras, sound detection devices, or thermal imagers to locate the source of the leak.

 Step 3: Confirming the Leak

After detecting potential leaks, the plumber will pinpoint and confirm the source.

 Step 4: Leak Repair

Once the leak is identified, the plumber will repair the leak, which may involve replacing pipes or fixtures.

Investing in Your Home: The Cost of a Leak Search

What is the Cost of Hiring a Plumber for a Leak Search?

The cost of a leak detection service can vary, but on average, you can expect to pay between $100 and $400. While this might seem steep, remember that finding and fixing a leak now can prevent costly damage to your home later on.

How Can I Save Money on Leak Search Services?

Wondering how you can get the best deal on leak search services? Here are some strategies that might help you save money.

 Direct Scheduling

  • Contact the plumbing company directly instead of clicking on their sponsored ads. Some companies may offer a discount for direct scheduling. 

Leave a Review

  • Some companies may offer discounts for leaving a positive review. This not only helps the company attract more customers but also helps you save on your bill.

 Ask About Other Discounts

  • Never hesitate to ask if there are other discounts available. Every penny saved is a penny earned! 

Remember, being proactive about detecting leaks can save you time, money, and headaches down the road. If you notice the signs of a leak in your home, don’t hesitate—schedule an appointment with a local plumber today. It’s an investment in the longevity and safety of your home.

Plumbing Leak Detection and Water Damage Mitigation

The Mystery of Hidden Leaks in Your Home

 What is a Plumbing Leak?

Sometimes, water in your home might have a secret path it’s not supposed to follow. A plumbing leak happens when water escapes from your pipes and drips or floods into parts of your home it shouldn’t. This can happen slowly over time or very quickly. Either way, leaks can lead to a lot of problems.

Detecting the Culprit: What is Plumbing Leak Detection?

Plumbing leak detection is like playing detective. It’s all about finding out where your water is escaping. This can be tricky because some leaks are tiny, like a small drip from a pipe. Other times, they are big and obvious, like a burst pipe.

Professional plumbers have special tools and skills to find these hidden leaks. They use equipment like video cameras, sound amplifiers, and even thermal imaging to see where water might be hiding in your home. It’s important to catch these leaks early because if you don’t, they could cause big problems.

Why Is It Important to Detect Leaks Early?

Finding and fixing leaks right away is important for two main reasons:

  1. Save Water: Even a tiny leak can waste a lot of water over time. By fixing leaks, you can help save water and lower your water bill.
  2. Prevent Damage: Leaks can cause damage to your home, like stains, warped floors, or even structural damage. The sooner a leak is fixed, the less damage it can cause.

Water Damage: A Nasty Result of Plumbing Leaks

How Plumbing Leaks Lead to Water Damage

When water escapes from your pipes, it doesn’t just disappear. It seeps into the materials of your home, like your walls, floors, and ceiling. This can cause all kinds of water damage.

 What Is Water Damage?

Water damage is any harm done to your home by water. It can cause your paint to peel, your wood to warp, and your walls to mold. In serious cases, it can weaken the structure of your home, making it unsafe.

Water damage mitigation is all about stopping water damage before it gets too bad. There are a few ways you can do this:

  1. Fix Leaks Early: By detecting and fixing leaks as soon as possible, you can stop water damage before it starts.
  2. Dry Out Wet Areas: If an area of your home gets wet, try to dry it out as soon as possible. This can prevent further damage.
  3. Hire a Professional: Sometimes, the damage is too severe for you to handle alone. In these cases, it’s best to call a professional.

Recommended Local Plumbing Companies 

Local plumbing companies are your allies in the battle against water damage. They can help you detect leaks, repair your plumbing, and mitigate water damage. By hiring a professional, you can ensure that the job is done right and that your home is safe from further damage. Remember, not all heroes wear capes. Some carry wrenches and plumbing tape. So if you suspect a leak in your home, don’t wait. Reach out to a local plumber today and protect your home from the hidden dangers of water leaks and damage.

The Journey Through Plumbing Leak Detection: What to Expect

The Plumbing Leak Detection Process

What Does a Plumber Do During a Leak Detection Service?

Having a plumber over to find and fix a leak might feel a bit like a mystery. Don’t worry! Let’s uncover the step-by-step process a professional plumber follows according to industry standards.

 Step 1: Initial Inspection

When the plumber arrives, they will start with a visual inspection of your home. They will look for signs of water damage like stains, warped wood, or mold.

 Step 2: Leak Detection Equipment

Next, the plumber will use special equipment to find where the leak is hiding. This might be a video camera they insert into your pipes, a device that listens for the sound of water dripping, or even a thermal imager that can see where your walls are unusually cold from the water.

 Step 3: Pinpointing the Leak

Once the plumber has a good idea where the leak is, they will confirm it. They might have to do more testing or even expose part of your pipe to be sure.

 Step 4: The Fix

Finally, after the leak is found, the plumber will fix it. This might involve replacing a piece of pipe, tightening a fitting, or even replacing a whole fixture.

Different Types of Leak Detection Services

There are a few different types of leak detection services. The right one for you depends on where and how big your leak is. Some common types include:

Video Inspection

  • This is when a plumber uses a small camera to look inside your pipes. It can help find leaks that are hard to see.

Sound Detection

  • Sometimes, a plumber can find a leak just by listening. They use a special device that can hear water dripping even through walls.

Thermal Imaging

  • Thermal imaging can show where your walls are colder because of the water leak. This can help find leaks that are hidden behind walls.


Cost of Leak Detection Services: It’s All About Value

What is the Range of Price for Leak Detection?

The price for a leak detection service can vary based on the type of detection needed and where you live. On average, you can expect to pay between $100 and $400 for a professional service. However, remember that fixing a leak early can save you lots of money in the long run by preventing costly water damage.


Saving Money on Plumbing Services

How Can I Negotiate with a Plumber for Discounts?

There are a few ways you might be able to save money on your plumbing service.

 Direct Scheduling

  • Instead of clicking on sponsored ads from a plumbing company, try contacting them directly. They might offer a discount for direct scheduling.

Leave a Review

 Some companies offer discounts if you leave them a positive review. After all, your kind words can help them get more customers.

 Ask About Other Discounts

  • Some companies might have other discounts available. It never hurts to ask!

Remember, fixing a leak can save you money in the long run. So don’t wait! If you suspect a leak, schedule an appointment today with a local plumber and protect your home from water damage.

Leak Detection and Water Damage Insurance Claims

Why Do I Need this Information for My Insurance?

 The work your plumber does can be important for your insurance claim. Insurance companies need to know that the water damage in your home was caused by a real plumbing leak and not something else. The detailed report from your plumber can help prove this.

9 + 1 =

How To Identify Mold: Homeowners Guide to Maintaining a Healthy Indoor Environment

How To Identify Mold: Homeowners Guide to Maintaining a Healthy Indoor Environment











Major Topics of this Article Include

  • How To Identify Mold

  • What To Do If You Have Mold

  • What To Avoid With Mold

Homeowners Guide To Mold Safety

Maintaining a healthy indoor environment is essential for our well-being, and one significant aspect to consider is the presence of mold.

Mold can lead to various health issues and compromise the structural integrity of buildings. To ensure a mold-free environment, it is crucial to be able to identify its presence promptly. This essay will provide a comprehensive guide on:

  • how to identify mold
  • discussing visual cues
  • odor detection
  • signs of water damage
  • monitoring humidity levels
  • recognizing health symptoms
  • the importance of professional inspections
  • the use of DIY mold testing kits

Visual Inspection

Visual inspection is one of the primary methods to identify mold. Mold growth is often visible on surfaces, appearing as:

  • Discoloration
  • Spots
  • Fuzzy Growth

Check areas prone to moisture, such as:

  • Bathrooms
  • Kitchens
  • Basements
  • Areas affected by leaks or flooding

Look for black, green, brown, white, or gray spots on walls, ceilings, floors, windowsills, and other surfaces. Pay attention to areas with condensation or visible water damage. Keep in mind that mold can also grow behind walls or in hidden areas, so a thorough examination is necessary.

Musty Odor

Mold has a distinct musty odor that can be a helpful indicator of its presence. If you notice a persistent, earthy smell in a particular area, it could signify mold growth. This odor is often more noticeable in enclosed spaces or rooms with poor ventilation.

  • Be cautious of any area that emits a musty smell, especially if other visual signs of mold growth are not immediately apparent.

Water Damage

Mold thrives in areas with excessive moisture. Look for signs of water damage, as they often indicate a favorable environment for mold growth. Signs of water damage include:

  • Stains on walls or ceilings
  • Peeling paint or wallpaper
  • Warped surfaces
  • Separated baseboards
  • Mold Growth

Pay attention to areas near plumbing fixtures, windows, roofs, or areas that have experienced leaks or flooding in the past. These are prime locations for mold development.

Humidity and Condensation

High humidity levels contribute to mold growth. Regularly monitor the humidity in your home or office using a hygrometer. The ideal indoor humidity range is between 30% and 50%.

If  humidity is consistently above 60%, it creates an environment conducive to mold growth. High humidity can often be controlled by:

  • Using dehumidifiers
  • Improving ventilation
  • Repairing water leaks

Additionally, check for condensation on windows, pipes, or other cold surfaces, as it may indicate excessive moisture.

Allergic Reactions and Health Symptoms

Mold exposure can cause a range of health symptoms, particularly in individuals with allergies or respiratory sensitivities. Common symptoms include:

  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Itchy Eyes
  • Nasal Congestion
  • Throat irritation
  • Worsened Asthma Symptoms

If you or others in your vicinity experience these symptoms that improve when away from a certain location, it could indicate mold exposure. However, it is essential to note that these symptoms can also be caused by other factors, so a proper medical diagnosis is recommended.

Professional Mold Inspections

If you suspect mold but are unable to locate it or need a thorough assessment, it is advisable to hire a professional mold inspector. These experts possess the necessary training, experience, and equipment to conduct a comprehensive inspection. 3 benefits to professional mold inspections are:

  1. They can identify the extent and type of mold present.
  2. Determine the root cause of moisture issues.
  3. Provide recommendations for remediation.

DIY Mold Testing Kits

Mold testing kits are available for purchase and can help you collect samples for analysis. These kits often involve swabbing or collecting air samples from the suspected mold-infested area. However, keep in mind that DIY kits may not provide as accurate results as professional testing.

How To Identify Mold?

If you identify mold in your surroundings, it’s important to address the issue promptly. Depending on the extent of the mold growth, you may need to hire a professional mold remediation service to safely remove the mold and mitigate the underlying moisture or water issues that caused it. Mold can have various appearances depending on the type and stage of growth.

Here are some common characteristics and visual descriptions of mold:

COLOR: Mold can appear in different colors, including black, green, brown, white, gray, or even orange and pink. The color can vary based on the specific mold species and the surface it is growing on.

TEXTURE: Mold can have different textures, ranging from fuzzy and cotton-like to slimy and wet. The texture depends on the moisture level and the type of material the mold is growing on.

DISCOLORATION: Mold often causes discoloration on surfaces. You may notice patches, spots, or streaks that are darker or lighter than the surrounding area. Discoloration can be an indication of mold growth.

IRREGULAR GROWTH PATTERNS: Mold can spread in irregular patterns. It may appear as clusters of spots or form larger patches. The growth pattern may be asymmetrical or have a fuzzy, uneven edge.

SURFACE GROWTH: Mold can cause visible changes on the surface it is growing on. It may create a powdery appearance, leave stains, or cause deterioration of the material. Some molds can also produce a velvety or shiny appearance.

MOISTURE ACCUMLATION: Mold often thrives in areas with moisture or water damage. You may notice dampness, water stains, or a presence of excessive condensation in areas where mold is likely to grow.

It is important to note that mold can sometimes be difficult to visually identify, especially when it is growing behind walls, in hidden areas, or in small quantities. If you suspect mold but cannot visually confirm it, professional mold testing and inspection may be necessary for accurate identification. Additionally, the presence of a musty odor or any associated health symptoms can also be indicators of mold growth, even if it is not visually apparent.


What To Do If You Have Mold?

Step 1. Confirm the Presence of Mold

If you notice visual signs of mold growth, such as discoloration or patches, or detect a musty odor in a particular area, it’s likely that you have a mold problem. Confirm your suspicions by conducting a thorough inspection and, if necessary, consider professional mold testing for a more accurate assessment.

Step 2. Assess the Extent of the Issue

Determine the size and scope of the mold problem. Is it limited to a small area or does it appear widespread? Assessing the extent of the issue will help you determine whether you can handle the remediation yourself or if you need to seek professional assistance.

Step 3. Address the Source of Moisture

Mold requires moisture to grow and thrive. Identify and address the source of moisture that is promoting mold growth. This could include fixing plumbing leaks, repairing roof or window leaks, improving ventilation, or addressing condensation issues. Resolving the moisture problem is crucial to prevent further mold growth.

Step 4 Implement Safety Precautions

Mold can release spores that can be harmful when inhaled or come into contact with skin. Before you start the cleanup process, take appropriate safety precautions. Wear protective clothing (gloves, goggles, and a mask rated for mold), ventilate the area well, and consider isolating the affected area with plastic sheeting to prevent the spread of mold spores.

Step 5 Clean Up and Remove Mold

Small-scale mold problems can often be remediated by homeowners. Use appropriate cleaning solutions specifically designed for mold removal. Scrub the affected surfaces thoroughly, ensuring you remove all visible mold. Dispose of any contaminated materials properly. Be cautious not to disturb the mold and release spores into the air during the cleaning process.

Step 6 Consider Professional Remediation

If the mold problem is extensive, covering a large area, or if you have underlying health conditions, it’s best to seek professional mold remediation services. Professional remediation ensures a thorough and safe removal of mold, proper disposal of contaminated materials, and the implementation of preventive measures to prevent future mold growth.

Step 7 Prevent Future Mold Growth

After addressing the current mold problem, take preventive measures to avoid recurrence. This includes maintaining proper ventilation, controlling humidity levels, fixing any water leaks promptly, and regularly inspecting areas prone to moisture. Consider using mold-resistant paints or materials in areas susceptible to mold growth.

Step 8 Monitor and Maintain

Regularly monitor the previously affected area and other areas in your home or office for any signs of new mold growth. Promptly address any moisture issues or signs of mold to prevent a recurrence.

Remember, if you have concerns about your health or if the mold problem is extensive and difficult to handle, it is always advisable to consult with professionals who specialize in mold remediation to ensure a safe and effective resolution.

What Not To Do About Mold?

When you suspect the presence of mold in your home there are certain actions you should avoid to prevent further contamination and protect your health. Here are some things you should NOT do if you think you have mold:

1. Do Not Ignore the Problem

Ignoring the presence of mold or delaying its remediation can worsen the issue. Mold can spread rapidly and cause further damage to your property and potential health risks. Take immediate action to address the problem rather than ignoring it or hoping it will go away on its own.

2. Disturbing Mold Without Proper Precautions

Avoid disturbing mold growth without taking appropriate safety precautions. When mold is disturbed, it releases spores into the air, which can worsen the contamination and lead to respiratory issues. Do not touch or scrub the mold without wearing protective gear such as gloves, goggles, and a mask rated for mold.

3. Using Ineffective Cleaning Methods

Common household cleaning products may not be sufficient for mold removal. Do not rely solely on bleach or other conventional cleaners, as they may not effectively eliminate mold or prevent its regrowth. Instead, use specialized mold removal products specifically designed for this purpose or consult with professionals for appropriate remediation techniques.

4. Neglecting to Address the Source of Moisture

Mold thrives in damp environments. If you only focus on removing visible mold without addressing the underlying moisture problem, the mold is likely to return. Avoid neglecting the source of moisture, such as leaks, condensation, or humidity issues. Fixing the moisture problem is essential to prevent mold recurrence.

5. Attempting DIY Remediation for Extensive Mold Growth

While you can handle small-scale mold problems, extensive mold growth requires professional remediation. Trying to tackle a large mold infestation without the necessary expertise and equipment can be hazardous. Improper handling of a severe mold problem can lead to further contamination, spreading mold spores throughout the property.

6. Neglecting Safety Precautions

Mold can cause health issues, especially when disturbed or handled improperly. Avoid neglecting safety precautions. Always wear protective clothing, including gloves, goggles, and a mask rated for mold removal, to prevent direct contact with mold spores and inhalation of airborne particles.

7. Failing to Seek Professional Help when Necessary

If you have underlying health conditions, extensive mold growth, or if you are unsure about the severity of the problem, it is best to seek professional assistance. Professional mold remediation services have the expertise, experience, and equipment to handle complex situations safely and effectively.

Remember, mold remediation is a task that should be approached with caution and knowledge. When in doubt, consult with professionals who specialize in mold removal to ensure a thorough and safe resolution of the problem.


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How Plumbing Leaks cause Water Damage and Mold

How Plumbing Leaks cause Water Damage and Mold











Facts About Plumbing Leaks and Mold

  • A plumbing leak will cause mold

  • Structural Drying is needed for most plumbing leaks

  • Plumbing CAN be covered by insurance

How plumbing leaks cause water damage and mold?

Homeowners know that a small leak does not automatically equate to water damage, but homeowners are not so clear on how long it takes for a small leak to grow into mold or water damage problem.

A water leak can cause mold growth in as little as 24 hours. Likewise, it may also take a homeowner years to discover mold contamination.

  • Time and Germ levels are the major variables of how plumbing leaks cause water damage and mold.

3 Facts plumbers should know about mold:

  1. Where there is a leak there is mold.
  2. There is microscopic, so if you can see if, there is a problem.
  3. Mold growth indicates water damage and the need for mitigation.

Homeowner Tip #1

Prevent the need to kill mold by keeping your home clean and dry. Routine cleaning and maintenance are the best ways to keep your home or office mold free. Maintaining free air flow circulation is the next major recommendation. Air flow prevents mold from settling to grow. A clean, dry, well-ventilated room is least likely to grow mold.

How often do plumbers find mold or water damage?

Less than 15% of plumbing service calls are in response to water damage or flood in progress. On the other hand, over 90% of water damage and mold is plumbing related.

Structural drying and the application of antimicrobial should be standard with any leak service plumbing invoice. Uneducated plumbers fail to make these recommendations mold as standard mold prevention, costing their customers thousands of dollars within two years.

  • Bathroom Vanity Mold Prevention Structural Drying = $500

  • Bathroom Mold Remediation = $2500

Signs of Mold Growth

Only the best plumbers will be committed to educating themselves on how mold remediation and water damage go hand in hand.

The more a plumber understands about water damage and mold, the more value a plumber can provide to their customers.

Plumbers should always be on the lookout for mold because whenever there is a leak mold will grow.

This is why Mold Metrix seeks to work with and educate plumbers. Together, plumbers and water damage mitigation professionals can effectively prevent mold growth and save customers money.

  • Odors

  • High Humidity

  • High Moisture Levels

  • Poor Air Circulation

Should plumbers inspect for mold?

Plumbers do not inspect for mold. When you call a plumber, their primary focus is:

1.Finding a plumbing leak

2. Repairing a plumbing leak

Plumbing leak detection is the professional service required when filing a water damage mitigation claim. A proper plumbers’ report will define the source of a water leak.

If a leak happens suddenly or accidentally, there is a 50% chance that the plumbers’ invoice can be reimbursed by insurance.

Plumbers do not bill insurance companies as standard operating procedure. Therefore, most customers and plumbers alike do not know how get to plumbing covered by homeowners’ insurance.

Plumbers Serving Northern Virginia

Fortunately, Mold Metrix works with some of the best plumbers in Northern Virginia. Smooth Plumbing is one of our preferred plumbing partners. The owner is a licensed master plumber in the state of Virginia and provides a one stop shop for mitigation plumbing services. We highly recommend Smooth plumbing for your plumbing needs located.

Smooth Plumbing strives to bring value to their customers, not only with excellent plumbing service, but by going above and beyond by educating their plumbing staff about mold and water damage.


This reflects the Mold Metrix mission which is to move our customer from stress to satisfaction.

  • We believe that when a customer knows more about their mold mitigation and plumbing issues, they can better deal with the natural stress of these projects.

Are plumbers liable for spreading mold contamination?

Many times, homeowners have remodeling plans and at some point in the process they discover mold. One example is replacing cabinets. Removing old cabinets is highly likely to uncover hidden mold growth. This is what happened with a plumbing partner who was called out for a kitchen remodel in Alexandria.

Any Contractor Can Be Held Liable For Mold Cross Contamination

The previous homeowner had several leaks that caused significant water damage, now there was visible mold growth. Smooth Plumbing was able to recognize that mold was growing downstairs on the overhead joist system. Mold Metrix later discovered mold growth behind the kitchen walls and under the vinyl floors.


Most common areas plumbers discover mold:

  • Kitchens
  • Bathrooms
  • Laundry Rooms
  • Unfinished Ceilings with Plumbing and Water Lines

Plumbing and Mold Safety

When a plumber is able to recognize mold and water damage they become more valuable to their customer. Customer become eligible to receive a FREE onsite mold and water damage inspection when referred by a plumber in the Metrix Connection.

Onsite estimates for mold removal are not free; however, when our plumbing partners refer mold jobs customers win. Whenever mold is involved, safety must come first. Working with the plumber allows us to safely coordinate all aspects of a mold removal or water mitigation project. Having a clearly defined remediation protocol is the first step:

  • Proper

  • Preparation

  • Prevents

  • Poor

  • Performance

If your or someone you know has a plumbing leak and is in need of mold removal choose Metrix over the Matter, because the Power to Change the Matter is in the Metrix.









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